With this site about to be released to the public I thought I’d do something different and fun with my reviews. It’s all about what I dig, after all.
Like any human, I dig more than just music and entertainment. As anyone who really knows me can attest, I love Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken. I TOTALLY DIG IT! Yoo Hoo is also a delicious drink that I believe is made in heaven. Tight curves on a woman’s body, the changeover in seasons from Summer to Autumn, and the way a shoe easily goes on my foot during the first fitting are other things I dig. Since I’m a fan of telling people about stuff that I totally am into I decided to fill you in on the air freshener product, Wonder Wafers.
Wonder Wafers, simply put, are potent air fresheners with a unique paper texture that are a bit bigger than a large tea bag package. These suckers are extremely powerful for their size and so freakin’ fragrant I did not expect to feel like I was in a candy factory.
This made sense because Wonder Wafers have been around for about 4 decades so they know what they are doing. To help prove this fact, they were first in the air freshener industry in several categories such as introducing the first 2 pump spray retail air freshener, first non-flammable liquid air freshener, the largest line of air freshener scent selections in the industry (1985) and “first of its kind” liquid concentrated air freshener. Not content to rest on their current successes, 1995 introduced the Wonder Wafer which totally changed everything and helped them to sell billions of their products.
I first came across them working at a rental car company at the Louisville, KY airport back in 2011. I was a Car Prep there which means I did a thorough basic detail clean of cars at a fast pace outside during all weather conditions while getting horse whipped due to my personal work ethic and standards to make up for many of the others who would watch movies in the vans or nap inside the vehicles since supervision was limited. Over half of the vehicles that people rented were treated with little regard. Many cars returned with cigarette smoke, pot smoke, old vegetable and fruit peelings, baby bottles with milk, and other nostril terrors. One fateful day, I saw this small piece of squared, coarse paper producing a powerful scent. Usually, when a car has an air freshener it’s because the owner smoked anyway and it’s easily noticeable, especially the cars used to smoke pot in. I never would have known this car was smoked in if it wasn’t for about a pound of cigarette ashes that were scattered throughout the car. Grrr!
I was actually so shocked that I asked around fellow co-workers and some used the product themselves. It turns out that Wonder Wafers were pretty popular throughout the world and sadly, I was just then finding out about them. Enterprise Rent A Car does not use them since they are contracted with a chemical company across all their stores but I wish they would. When I saw the potential of their size combined with their powerful, accurate odors my super creative mind put them in both practical and precarious situations. Here is a list of the few amazing ideas I had for using them.
Underpants. The results- I thought that it might be a great thing to throw in underwear when I had gas. The results are what you probably expect but just a bit more pleasant to the others in the room.
Inside my acoustic guitar. The results – powerful motivator! I always knew a pleasant smell when I’m strumming the guitar makes it a more peaceful, enjoyable experience. However, the apple cinnamon was so potent that I felt I didn’t need to sip on a bit of Jim Beam honey while I played. I did anyway, but I didn’t need to. Also, when I would take my guitar out in public or a friend’s house they thought I was the best smelling dude they ever met. Although I’d like to take credit for having superhuman sweat glands I had to tell them about the phenomenon of Wonder Wafers. They were immediately hooked!
Inside the air conditioning vent in the bedroom. The results – bye-bye plug in air fresheners and oil fresheners which only the expensive ones were worth it. If I had a girlfriend she would think I was the perfect housekeeper!
Laundry basket. The results – not so smelly laundry! I don’t accumulate enough dirty laundry being a single, thrifty guy so I often wait until I have two loads to wash which is about 2-3 weeks. As such, that dirty laundry that sits in the basket gets a bit overbearing. But, when I tape one of these to the outside edge of the laundry basket I’m floored! No more need for a half dozen fabric softener sheets!
Inside the top edge of a garbage can. The results – well, spoiled food is spoiled food but it did make that burned rice or excess beans on the plate less horrific two days later.
And more. The results – I have a huge, varied imagination. So, I’ll stop here.
One one end of the shovel
Wonder Wafers are shockingly fragrant to be so small. With at least a 2 week lasting factor this is the best product I’ve ever smelled in such a small, million-purpose-usage design. I have a lot of trouble thinking of what it wouldn’t be convenient for. The shape and convenience of its size is the most impressive thing about Wonder Wafers but I must include how spot-on the odors are. If you want Vanilla Cream that doesn’t smell like Butterscotch or an Apple Cinnamon that doesn’t smell like Plastic Juice then Wonder Wafers hit the mark! Also, if you can keep a car looking pretty clean inside their New Car Scent will truly smell fresh from the lot! The scents are incredible!
On the other end of the shovel
I really can’t think of any flaws here. I would like to be able to print pictures on them for extra coolness but that’s not what they’re for but some of them do have words and phrases printed on them. I suppose if you wanted to plug something in the wall or prefer a piece of décor that was also an air freshener then Wonder Wafers would not work. Of course, you could apply one to the back of one of those animal statues on your living room shelf or inside a doll cabinet to keep away that antique smell.
How deep can I dig this?
Since I am a fan of wonderful scents, especially outdoor and baking scents, my excitement with this product may be slightly more than casual air freshener users. With such an accurate depiction of the smell on the packaging and the bazillion possibilities of ways to use these combined with no real down side that I can think of, I dig Wonder Wafers an absolute 10 out of 10 feet deep.