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How this event works:
The main theory we are testing: When a person dies, the negative part of them stays behind connected to their traumatic environment and the positive part of them moves on. We are providing a positive environment so that they can visit us. We, obviously, will not be in a traumatic area where these once living souls had a bad experience.
Other theories we are testing can be found to the right in the STEPS we are using for this event.
Blessing the area allows only positive spirits to communicate.
By taping a penny to the back of wireless electronic devices (scientifically shown to interfere with the body's natural energy field) we can utilize copper's proven scientific ability to neutralize the electromagnetic smog given off by the devices so as to not add any negative interference to the blessed area and to those in attendance.
Emotions are the strongest energy a human being can produce. Focusing this emotional energy positively, an awareness is clicked. Anything matching that awareness will present itself in some way. By focusing our emotional energy on music, a natural way to bring our mood up, a positive energy occurs. Since we are focusing on specific people who once lived, they will be aware that we are focusing on them. The energy attracts it.
Scientifically, everything that exists has a sound vibration, even light. At our very core we are a sound that gives off a vibration. In the metaphysical field and Eastern Religions such as Buddhism, it is believed that music is what we actually are, a specific sound, at our very core. This is why music relates to everyone, like a universal language.
The reason Angels are always singing, it is believed, is for that very reason. It's automatic. It's what they are at their very core. But I could go on and on about music's relationship to everything.
By triggering the spirit's emotional memory with a creative work they produced while still alive, and inviting them into a safe, blessed area to communicate with a room full of happy, positive people to provide a strong, positive energetic atmosphere I believe they will communicate with us.
I choose to do this as a public event because a closed event with just a few people almost feels like it can be swayed. By having a public event and inviting anyone who wants to come I can assure myself and those in attendance that nothing is faked and everyone can have their own experience and believe what they want. Besides, I don't know everyone in the world so I have no idea who needs a little help with their fear of nothing after death or that there loved ones are not okay. But just about everyone loves music and that is the energy that connects us all!
Hope you enjoy yourself and get something meaningful from this!
One for all,
Daniel Curtis Morrison
Resurrection of the Bands is a totally original idea in paranormal investigation. Founder Daniel Curtis Morrison (owner of Daniel Digs It, Hip Rock Magazine and co-founder of Alternative Revolt Magazine) has been studying the metaphysical​ field for decades and used to be a paranormal investigator himself. With a natural logic and a bit of paranormal intuition of his own combined with loads of creativity he decided to put some theories in the field to the test!
Step one: Bless the place so that only positive energy can find its way in. Nothing dark is allowed or invited.
Step two: Raise the energy in the area to a high vibrational one by having it festive and fun.
Step three: Focus the energy on a specific spirit by conjuring up memories, speaking out loud about the great things they have done and really settling into their memories.
Step four: Reduce the amount of electromagnetic smog/interference (such as the signals given off by cell phones) by placing a bit of copper against the device (re: taping a penny to the back of the phone)
Step five: speak directly to them letting them know that they are invited to participate in the celebration of them and ask them to enjoy the event. Afterwards, ask them to communicate with us, letting them know about the devices in the room.
Step six: Have a multitude of reliable equipment to capture some type of intelligent communication from the other side.
The Goal:
To show that the presence of a loved one is still with us. This is for:
anyone who is missing a loved one and wonders if they are okay
anyone wondering if there is something after this physical body dies
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