The results are in. Here is the official review of 2018's Resurrection of the Bands event. by Daniel C. Morrison
The event was to be a live paranormal investigation using live music as one of the tools to see if deceased musicians are aware of us when we celebrate their musical legacy. The idea sparked because in my family, and many other people I've talked to about the afterlife, have recalled potential connection with deceased loved ones when talking about fond memories of them with others. It seemed like the more people who were involved in talking about the great memories over a period of even a few minutes something would get our attention. It would be an odor of a flower, perfume/cologne they used to wear would fill the air, a song on the radio that they enjoyed and talked about a lot would play, sometimes even a noise from somewhere close as if purposefully drawing our attention to it. Some even experienced lights flicker. When EVPs were used sometimes there would be laughter, a word in relationship to the conversation or even their name caught on the recording device. This was especially true when purposefully recording audio during these conversations about the deceased loved ones. This was truly what sparked the idea for this event.
Resurrection of the Bands had a specific formula.
1. Find people extremely passionate about the deceased musician. So passionate that it would be like they were excited to see their best friend after so many years. The stories they shared together through music, the way it touched their lives, etc. Anyone who had a strong emotional connection the deceased musician. This emotional energy is the conduit. To find performers like that to really embrace the connection was important. They would then perform the music live to re-create the raw energy that a live performance can produce.
2. Invite people to enjoy the celebration and honoring, especially people who had an emotional connection to the deceased musician or the songs they were known for.
3. Keeping the crowd in check and limiting noises. Like any paranormal investigation, once the equipment is turned on everyone is silent and as still as possible. In order for the most accurate analysis, as much of the background noise as possible needs to be limited.
4. Bless the area. We wanted to make sure what came through was the actual spirit of the deceased musicians and not something else. Blessing the environment and specifically only inviting the musicians we wanted to communicate with was a way to help assure that. Also, anything negative attached to people coming into the area would have to separate for the event, or disappear while they were there. Energies that are not alike cannot exist together so this would help pause such energies.
Sounds easy enough. So what did occur at this event?
For an hour there was a meet and greet session for anyone who wanted to mingle and ask questions. It did take a while longer to set up the paranormal equipment and stage equipment but it was a good time. There was swag to purchase, snacks and drinks and a couple hundred dollars worth of prizes to be raffled off.
During this time Kevin Steiner. the Lead Investigator from the Wabash Paranormal Research Society, and a couple of his teammates had set up 5 EVPs, each in their own unique, carefully thought out locations. A huge monitor was set up with a 4k camera system that included different filters for different light spectrums. All monitored in real time. Set to the side was another EVP for direct communication, a Spirit Box (a device that rapidly scans radio stations constantly which allows a spirit to use any words traveling through the air waves on frequencies they can access to use in response to a question asked, if a relatable word is available), and also an Ovilus which is a piece of tech designed that has hundreds or words stored in an electronic database which allows a spirit to use any word(s) to try to answer or relate to the question being asked in a more specific way.
With all this set up and ready to roll, things looked promising. Then, when the clock struck the show began!
The first deceased musician we honored was Johnny Cash. The talented Mark Barnes of the Louisville Rock band, Majik Jack, played three of Johnny's treasured tunes. Once completed, the Wabash Paranormal Research Society pulled out a high quality EVP, a list of questions and began to ask Johnny things covering his life, relationships, and his music while I asked a few questions about the afterlife in general from Johnny's perspective.
The Wabash Paranormal Research Society had about 5 hours of footage to go through from 5 different EVPs as well as the 20 minutes of direct audio from the main EVP for each round. They spent nearly 100 hours to make sure they covered all the bases. They had to cross reference every one of these EVPs to get a more accurate reading of intelligent, direct responses to questions. Background noise had to also be studied and if it wasn't marked during the live questioning it had to be analyzed several times to rule out sounds that may not be from Johnny.
With that being said they were unable to conclude whether there were any intelligent, direct responses on the EVPs. There were too many background noises. Kids were heard running around, a conversation on a cell phone seemed to have been going on, doors opening to go outside and smoke and people coming back inside all combined to make the EVPs unusable. This would remain that way the entire night. So all EVPs were inconclusive for the entire show.
The main EVP was also used in combination with the Spirit Box and Ovilus during the next two rounds. But in every case, there was too much movement, conversations from audience members and doors being opened and closes, etc. The only thing to try to go on now would be the Spirit Box and Ovilus.
Round 2
Layne Staley of Alice In Chains was honored next. In every personal investigation, as well as the test run in Louisville back in 2013, Layne Staley was honored. The idea is to have one spirit invited to each of these and honored to see if the investigative techniques improved and to see if conversations with him would change, or evolve, if you will.
Anthony Morrison and Chuck Carman played guitars while Anthony and Daniel Morrison sang. On the third and final song, Brandi Hoots joined on harmonies for "Down In A Hole".
Once this was over a Spirit Box was put into use by Kevin and his group.
There was not a lot going on with this piece of equipment. The EVP used was picking up several conversations and background noises. Going on just the spirit box alone, some words sounded like it might relate but there was no real way of telling. So, there was nothing conclusive here.
Round 3
Last to the stage for the headliner was Myssi Slaughter honoring the extremely popular Freddie Mercury. Before this event, I had no idea there was a Bohemian Rhapsody movie about Freddie's life to come out one week later. The "Coincidence" was a wonderful, exciting touch. This is because the third and final song, "Bohemian Rhapsody" was known by nearly everyone. The audience was invited to join the stage and sing along with Myssi. This brought an incredible, fun energy and really lit the place up!
Once her stellar performance was complete, WPRS brought out the Ovilus and began the question asking.
Freddie was well known for rarely doing interviews while he was living. So, I had a suspicion that it may not be so different in the afterlife. But how could I truly know?
During this series of questions, the EVP was once again unable to be of much use as there were many background noises. Seems like a lot of the audience had went outside after the last song and much of the outdoor conversations were picked up.
There were a few interesting words coming through but they seemed to not directly answer any questions. Things were picked up like "lights" and "bottle" just to name a couple. There were lights, of course, and there was a bottle of water near the microphone. But what about direct answers of at least one word to a specific question? The only potential responses were in relationship tot he questions about his young life. The country he had to leave from came through and a couple other words. However, nothing that was an actual, direct answer or response to anything said was brought through from the Ovilus.
I do not consider this a waste. The formula is a solid one in a personal, home space setting. The evidence/experience of this live event helps me to tweak some details in order to get a better results if I should do another one of these again in the future.
The biggest issue of not many people showing up, I believe, was that it was a Thursday night. And it was the Thursday before all the huge Halloween events going on so competition was fierce. This is one of several reasons I made the event free. Many people work and have other obligations on a Thursday, too. Also, I only had 3 months to plan.
3 months was a personal decision for me because I was testing for myself the validity of Universal response. At my Aunt's birthday party in August something was triggered within me. Her going out for a couple years doing what she loved which was singing, playing in a band and pursuing her novel had only enriched her life. She didn't suffer any negative outcomes from pursuing it which was a belief I still held inside. Plus, my cousin, her daughter, always had a beautiful voice and she began pursuing her music recently. And it was working out! Plus, my cousin, her son, spent his time learning how to make music electronically, and producing music and it sounded actually pretty damn good! So, if they could it, I certainly could. None of them suffered any negative consequences and all were enriched. So, that inspired me to go back to something I enjoyed doing, putting on very unique events.
Secondly, I wanted to see if the Universe could deliver to me what I asked for based on what I have learned over the years. Such as...
1. I just have to have a desire and stay focused on it. The intended outcome brought me great joy and allowed me to have fun in the PROCESS of it coming together, something I believe strongly in. PROCESS. I believe perfection and life is about the PROCESS involved that God has created and not the outcome. If I can enjoy the PROCESS of how things come about then getting through it is more optimistic and sometimes great fun!
2. Time is not a factor when asking God for help. The only factor involving time is how much faith and hope I allow into my life and how much resistance I personally have for my beliefs in what God can do for me.
3. Not to worry about doing everything myself. I took my spare time to get involved in the exciting process of organizing everything and putting it into something logical. The pieces of what I needed were obvious but to find those like minded people out there in the world, that would be the challenge. I spent hundreds of hours contacting people, promoting the event, etc. and nearly everyone I asked could not be involved or the price for their performance was out of my limited budget price. But I did not worry because I remembered I was seeing what the Universe could do if I asked without my worry and fear getting in the way. By the time the show date came I had hundreds of dollars worth of door prizes, a lot of press in the local area and surrounding counties, a national radio announcement, three performers and one of the best Sound Engineers I ever heard, Mike Appleby, taking care of sound which was phenomenal. This guy had tens of thousands dollars worth of equipment, has done sound for huge National Recording Artists and offered to donate his services for the passion and unique experience. I was truly blessed for all those who were part of this!
Should I decide to do another one of these (which I think I will but it might not be in 2019) I will make sure it's on a weekend night, much further away from Halloween, perhaps sometime in early to mid September.
I will also make sure the venue isn't so large. Prichard Community Center in Elizabethtown, KY is excellent but apparently, not for EVPs.
I will not allow any children to attend and will make it abundantly clear that no one can enter or leave the building during the live investigation part, except in the case of an emergency restroom event or some other emergency.
I will interview performers beforehand to find out how passionate they truly are about the artists we want to communicate with. There is a difference between someone who enjoys and is passionate about performing and someone who enjoys and is passionate about the actual artist and excited/giddy to potentially have a conversation with the artist and be recognized and appreciated by the artist for the honoring.
I will make sure that the artist performing is a master of their art, meaning not just kind of plays or doesn't really make time to put their all into the performance. Energy is represented of its emotional essence and its that strong emotional essence in relationship to the deceased musician that is crucial for this to work.
With no audio to use and nothing coming through on the cameras, sadly there is nothing to really "show" anyone. This review is all their will be. I will be posting this on the website within the next week. I don't have many emails at all so feel free to forward this to someone you know who was there but do not see in the sent address line.
Enjoy some of the pics and live performances and make sure you Rock your lives in this dimension so what comes next will be even sweeter! God bless you!
Mark Barnes, Mike Appleby, Amanda Grimsley, Anthony Morrison, Chuck Carman, Myssi Slaughter, Kathy Patterson, Marie Morrison, Lynny Prince, Danielle Morrison, Randi Disponett, Sara Carousel, Todd Meriman, Sara Adel, Viv of Oohs, Aahs and Orbs, Wabash Paranormal Research Society. Hillbilly Horror Stories, BGood the Artist, The Devil's Attic, Hill of Terror, Artistic Tattoo Body and Piercing, Sacred Rose Medicinals, Healing Yew, Republic Theaters in Radcliff, KY, Lindsey Blocker of Qdoba in Elizabethtown, KY, 105.3 the Point and those in attendance. You rock!