Taylor Valor Review

Tony Valor Music Review D' Nah Nah (Shaky Bum, Bum) - single website - tonyvalor.com twitter.com/tonyvalormusic instagram.com/tonyvalormusic facebook.com/tonyvalormusic https://soundcloud.com/tonyvalormusic/d-nah-nah-shaky-bum-bum-feat
With millions of viewers on youtube, Tony Valor is someone you might have heard of. Although he's currently living in Palm Beach, Florida, this native New Yorker is actually of Sicilian, Chinese and Hispanic descent. His hometown is Guanzho, China and boy, does that sound like a diverse musician! In fact, some say his power comes from his multicultural background. After sampling his stuff I think he "gets" who he is and what he can do. And he's passionate about it. Of course, being bilingual means twice the sales too and that never hurt anyone.
The single I was asked to take a listen to is called D' Nah Nah (Shaky Bum, Bum) and it has potential to bang big. I actually got to hear the Spanglish version with Acapellas of both and the instrumental.
The song itself is groovy and the female vocals are super impressive. What gets me most isn't really the song but the impression Tony makes about who he is. Being so young it sounds like he's accomplished a lot as if he was much older. I can only imagine what impact his childhood had on him. That would be a fun read and I kind of want to interview him and ask.
I don't really like doing a review of one single song so I did a bit of background searching and found that he has several videos with views surpassing one million. Not only that but they're all impressive enough to have me stick around. As it turns out, Mr. Valor has had three consecutive releases charting on the Billboard Dance Charts. In no particular order they are Up & Away, You're My Fantasy and Gonna Get It. I don't have a link to the single of D' Nah Nah but here's the catchy Up and Away that I dig!
When I listened to these, although it didn't sound much different than what I've heard in my lifetime, I found charm, passion, creativity, maturity and self identification. After a few more plays I can't help but to say that yes, Tony Valor is a young powerhouse destined for elite mainstream and probably more than just music.
On one end of the shovel: Tony Valor presents something you'll instantly enjoy. Being multicultural and bilingual, a rich history and better chance of building a quick fan base is just how it is. But he knows who he is, has a lot of passion and presents himself in a professional way that surpasses even some gaining mainstream appeal right now. This is Dance Pop that you'll like even if you're a casual enjoyer. In particular, D' Nah Nah (Shaky Bum, Bum) turns out to be pretty catchy as you let it play.
On the other end of the shovel: This isn't truly original but there's really not much here you wouldn't like. I can't really say something that would turn someone away unless you just don't like Dance Pop or are easily prejudice. D' Nah Nah (Shaky Bum, Bum) doesn't exemplify the praise I gave and if this is your first time listening you should do a youtube search first. Otherwise, you may dismiss Tony Valor as someone that's "good if you like that kind of stuff."
How deep can I dig this? With all that's good about Dance Pop and having power beyond his years, I dig what I've heard from Tony Valero so far at 9 out of 10 feet deep. But if you're looking for a score on D' Nah Nah (Shaky Bum, Bum), I dig that 7 out of 10 feet deep.